Nuevos memoriales /New memorials
Pedro Fernández de Quirós, Krzysztof (Christopher) Konstanty Vorbrich
20,00 zł
Warszawa 2016, s. 174.
[La presente] publicación de fuentes contiene cartas y memoriales hasta ahora inéditos, redactados por uno de los más importantes exploradores del Océano Pacífico […]. Estos textos, constituyen buen material no sólo para la investigación de la historia de expediciones españolas de descubrimiento, sino también para el estudio de la mentalidad de viajeros, descubridores y conquistadores católicos. […] Aparte de los textos originales […] el libro contiene también sus traducciones y paráfrasis en inglés
de la reseña por T. MiłkowskiThe book […] contains primary sources which have not been published yet. These sources contain letters and memoirs written by one of the most important explorers of the Pacific Ocean […]. They constitute excellent material useful not only for research on the history of Spanish voyages of discovery, but also on the mentality of the Roman Catholic sailors, discoverers and conquerors. Apart from the original texts […] the work also contains their English translations and elaborations.from the review by T. Miłkowski
de la reseña por T. MiłkowskiThe book […] contains primary sources which have not been published yet. These sources contain letters and memoirs written by one of the most important explorers of the Pacific Ocean […]. They constitute excellent material useful not only for research on the history of Spanish voyages of discovery, but also on the mentality of the Roman Catholic sailors, discoverers and conquerors. Apart from the original texts […] the work also contains their English translations and elaborations.from the review by T. Miłkowski
En 1983 investigando documentos del Pacífico para mi libro sobre isla de Pascua vi que en el archivo y biblioteca de Francisco de Zabálburu había varios Memoriales de Quirós, que son los que aparecen en este libro. [...] El número exacto de memoriales escritos por Quirós no se conoce. [...] Como en los anteriores cincuenta y cuatro memoriales Quirós solicitaba al rey Felipe III que le ayudara a emprender la nueva empresa y que no demorara más el tiempo para iniciarla. Apelaba a “la fee, la caridad, la verdad, la justicia, la misericordia, la paciencia y la templança y que sepa hacer y observar leyes justas necesarias y de provecho”, a la pérdida de muchos millones de almas “presentes y venideras”, que con sólo 500.000 ducados se podría conseguir la salvación de todas ellas. En el M 25-1029 vuelve a recordar que la parte incógnita austral es la cuarta parte del globo donde cabían todos los estados más representativos de Europa. [...]
de la Introducción por Francisco Mellén BlancoIn 1983, while studying documents on the Pacific Ocean for my book on Easter Island45, I learned that various memorials by Quirós were held in the archive and library of Francisco de Zabálburu, precisely those included in the present book. [...] The precise number of memorials written by Quirós is not known. [...] As in the 54 memorials written earlier, Quirós implored King Philip III to help him undertake a new endeavour without any further delay. He appealed to the “faith, benevolence, truthfulness, justice, mercy, patience and reason [of the King – ZJV], and that he would know how to make and observe just and useful rights”66, bearing in mind the certain loss of millions of souls, “present and future”67, all of whom might be saved thanks to nothing more than 500,000 ducats. In memorial no. M 25-1029, he reminds again that the unknown austral regions are a fourth of the globe, and that all the most representative European states could find a place in it.from the Introduction by Francisco Mellén Blanco
de la Introducción por Francisco Mellén BlancoIn 1983, while studying documents on the Pacific Ocean for my book on Easter Island45, I learned that various memorials by Quirós were held in the archive and library of Francisco de Zabálburu, precisely those included in the present book. [...] The precise number of memorials written by Quirós is not known. [...] As in the 54 memorials written earlier, Quirós implored King Philip III to help him undertake a new endeavour without any further delay. He appealed to the “faith, benevolence, truthfulness, justice, mercy, patience and reason [of the King – ZJV], and that he would know how to make and observe just and useful rights”66, bearing in mind the certain loss of millions of souls, “present and future”67, all of whom might be saved thanks to nothing more than 500,000 ducats. In memorial no. M 25-1029, he reminds again that the unknown austral regions are a fourth of the globe, and that all the most representative European states could find a place in it.from the Introduction by Francisco Mellén Blanco
Nuevos memoriales /New memorials
Pedro Fernández de Quirós, Krzysztof (Christopher) Konstanty Vorbrich
20,00 zł
Warszawa 2016, s. 174.
[La presente] publicación de fuentes contiene cartas y memoriales hasta ahora inéditos, redactados por uno de los más importantes exploradores del Océano Pacífico […]. Estos textos, constituyen buen material no sólo para la investigación de la historia de expediciones españolas de descubrimiento, sino también para el estudio de la mentalidad de viajeros, descubridores y conquistadores católicos. […] Aparte de los textos originales […] el libro contiene también sus traducciones y paráfrasis en inglés
de la reseña por T. MiłkowskiThe book […] contains primary sources which have not been published yet. These sources contain letters and memoirs written by one of the most important explorers of the Pacific Ocean […]. They constitute excellent material useful not only for research on the history of Spanish voyages of discovery, but also on the mentality of the Roman Catholic sailors, discoverers and conquerors. Apart from the original texts […] the work also contains their English translations and elaborations.from the review by T. Miłkowski
de la reseña por T. MiłkowskiThe book […] contains primary sources which have not been published yet. These sources contain letters and memoirs written by one of the most important explorers of the Pacific Ocean […]. They constitute excellent material useful not only for research on the history of Spanish voyages of discovery, but also on the mentality of the Roman Catholic sailors, discoverers and conquerors. Apart from the original texts […] the work also contains their English translations and elaborations.from the review by T. Miłkowski
En 1983 investigando documentos del Pacífico para mi libro sobre isla de Pascua vi que en el archivo y biblioteca de Francisco de Zabálburu había varios Memoriales de Quirós, que son los que aparecen en este libro. [...] El número exacto de memoriales escritos por Quirós no se conoce. [...] Como en los anteriores cincuenta y cuatro memoriales Quirós solicitaba al rey Felipe III que le ayudara a emprender la nueva empresa y que no demorara más el tiempo para iniciarla. Apelaba a “la fee, la caridad, la verdad, la justicia, la misericordia, la paciencia y la templança y que sepa hacer y observar leyes justas necesarias y de provecho”, a la pérdida de muchos millones de almas “presentes y venideras”, que con sólo 500.000 ducados se podría conseguir la salvación de todas ellas. En el M 25-1029 vuelve a recordar que la parte incógnita austral es la cuarta parte del globo donde cabían todos los estados más representativos de Europa. [...]
de la Introducción por Francisco Mellén BlancoIn 1983, while studying documents on the Pacific Ocean for my book on Easter Island45, I learned that various memorials by Quirós were held in the archive and library of Francisco de Zabálburu, precisely those included in the present book. [...] The precise number of memorials written by Quirós is not known. [...] As in the 54 memorials written earlier, Quirós implored King Philip III to help him undertake a new endeavour without any further delay. He appealed to the “faith, benevolence, truthfulness, justice, mercy, patience and reason [of the King – ZJV], and that he would know how to make and observe just and useful rights”66, bearing in mind the certain loss of millions of souls, “present and future”67, all of whom might be saved thanks to nothing more than 500,000 ducats. In memorial no. M 25-1029, he reminds again that the unknown austral regions are a fourth of the globe, and that all the most representative European states could find a place in it.from the Introduction by Francisco Mellén Blanco
de la Introducción por Francisco Mellén BlancoIn 1983, while studying documents on the Pacific Ocean for my book on Easter Island45, I learned that various memorials by Quirós were held in the archive and library of Francisco de Zabálburu, precisely those included in the present book. [...] The precise number of memorials written by Quirós is not known. [...] As in the 54 memorials written earlier, Quirós implored King Philip III to help him undertake a new endeavour without any further delay. He appealed to the “faith, benevolence, truthfulness, justice, mercy, patience and reason [of the King – ZJV], and that he would know how to make and observe just and useful rights”66, bearing in mind the certain loss of millions of souls, “present and future”67, all of whom might be saved thanks to nothing more than 500,000 ducats. In memorial no. M 25-1029, he reminds again that the unknown austral regions are a fourth of the globe, and that all the most representative European states could find a place in it.from the Introduction by Francisco Mellén Blanco